Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Kututu Wattleseeds – Positive Influences of Music on Mental Health

This short film explores the positive influences of music on social and emotional wellbeing and features music from the Kututu Wattleseeds musical collaboration.

Source: Mental Health Association of Central Australia

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Nathan Sutherland - one of only two hundred psychologists in Australia who identify as Aboriginal - talks about how to seek support from friends, family, community and healthcare professionals. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

Desert Pea Media – Music Videos Desert Pea Media works with Indigenous young people in regional and remote areas, using storytelling and audio-visual media to promote social and cultural dialogue, responding to issues including intergenerational trauma, suicide, unemployment and incarceration. An anthem for the people of the Yaegl Nation in northern NSW, about respecting culture and tradition, recognising the impacts of history, and working together to heal.

Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) project builds on the legacy of the 1986 Women’s Business Report. The Australian Human Rights Commission (the ‘Commission’) and the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) have partnered on a national conversation to elevate the voices of Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander women and girls. Led by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, June Oscar AO, Wiyi Yani U Thagani (Women's Voices) is a multi-year initiative set out to capture what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls consider to be their strengths, challenges and aspirations for change. Throughout 2018, the Commissioner and her team travelled to 50 locations in urban, regional and remote areas across every state and territory. They conducted 106 engagements and met with 2,294 women of all ages. Over 100 submissions and 300 survey responses were also received. Informed by the findings from engagements and submissions, the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women's Voices): Securing our Rights, Securing our Future 2020 report was prepared, and published in December 2020. The report is an extensive whole-of-life report that captures the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls, the principles they think ought to be enshrined in the design of policy and programs, and the measures they recommend ought to be taken to effectively promote the enjoyment of their human rights in the future.

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