Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Life Giving Music and Dance

This video was driven by key figures in the communities of Galiwin’ku and Milingimbi, telling the story in Djambarrpuynu of how music, dancing and singing can improve mental health for Yolgnu people by sustaining identity and resilience.

Source: EG Productions commissioned by the former NT Medicare Local

More Suggested Resources

This evaluation framework is based on the principles described in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project (ATSISPEP). It is designed to evaluate suicide prevention activities that are already underway, and to provide guidance around evaluation while in the planning stages. Note: This 2017 resource is under review Source: Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Fractured: Broken Ties, Reclaimed Lives These short videos describe the effect of removal from families on the Stolen Generations, and introduces the Link-Up service to reunite families. The Fractured project engaged Indigenous young people and their communities in producing images to reflect the strengths and participation of community members in everyday life. The stories are intended to challenge discrimination and racism and their effect on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. My Grandfather TL – Simone Andy: Simone’s memories of her 'war veteran' grandfather, and her own journey in trying to piece together more about his life. Source: Sista Girl Productions/Australian Centre for the Moving Image/VicHealth

A series of videos from Yarns Heal campaign ambassadors: Merle, an aunty and educator, talks about acceptance and the need to reach out for support in community Source: Yarns Heal - funded by Brisbane North PHN

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