Rock Bottom
Will Hill talks about his experience of reaching out to Elders, finding strength in culture, and recovering from depression and thoughts of suicide.
Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN
- Suggested for: Communities, Families, Friends & Elders, Individuals
- Categories: ∘ Promoting Resilience & Preventing Suicide ∘, ∘ Support in Tough Times ∘, Video
More Suggested Resources
This framework supports Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations to improve their cultural security, both for employees and for clients/patients. While developed specifically for the Kimberley, the principles are likely to be valuable in other regions. The framework sets out performance targets under four categories: Professional development of the workforce The workplace environment Care models Systems and processes Source: Kimberley Aboriginal Health Planning Forum
Fractured: Broken Ties, Reclaimed Lives These short videos describe the effect of removal from families on the Stolen Generations, and introduces the Link-Up service to reunite families. The Fractured project engaged Indigenous young people and their communities in producing images to reflect the strengths and participation of community members in everyday life. The stories are intended to challenge discrimination and racism and their effect on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Victimised/Assimalised/Correctionalised – Howard Edwards: Howard’s memories of being removed from his family, activism for Aboriginal people in Melbourne in the 1970s and 80s, and his work in community radion.
Nathan Sutherland - one of only two hundred psychologists in Australia who identify as Aboriginal - talks about how to seek support from friends, family, community and healthcare professionals. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN