Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Supporting young Aboriginal people who self-harm: A guide for families and communities

Orygen partnered with The Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention (CBPATSISP), which led the co-design process with community using a participatory action research approach.

This guide looks at early warning signs of self-harm, factors that may influence young First Nations people to self-harm, and how to get help, including managing a crisis and injuries.

Young Aboriginal people in Western Australia co-developed the guide with an Aboriginal expert advisory group, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal health workers, local Elders, and Aboriginal families and communities from across the state.

While the guide was co-developed by, and for, Aboriginal people in Western Australia, it may be broadly applicable to First Nations families and communities right across the country.

More Suggested Resources

Yarning about Mental Health These videos from Menzies School of Health Research, contains strength-based messages around mental health and wellbeing. It also highlights the importance of culture, family and community in maintaining good mental health and provides tools that can be used to promote wellbeing. The video was developed with First Nations Australians in the Northern Territory.

Educational resources for secondary students (Years 10 to 12), developed around the three-part SBS documentary The Australian Wars, which describes the history of conflicts as Indigenous people resisted colonisation. Source: Blackfella Films, SBS Learn and Culture is Life

In this video, Nicky Newley describes her experiences with art and its role in her recovery through difficult times. The video is part of a suicide prevention campaign for LGBTIQ+ community members in Brisbane. Source: Yarns Heal - funded by Brisbane North PHN

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