Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

The Art of Distraction

Payten Thorne talks about the role of creativity – photography and drawing – in supporting her wellbeing.

Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

More Suggested Resources

Fractured: Broken Ties, Reclaimed Lives These short videos describe the effect of removal from families on the Stolen Generations, and introduces the Link-Up service to reunite families. The Fractured project engaged Indigenous young people and their communities in producing images to reflect the strengths and participation of community members in everyday life. The stories are intended to challenge discrimination and racism and their effect on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. My Grandfather TL – Simone Andy: Simone’s memories of her 'war veteran' grandfather, and her own journey in trying to piece together more about his life. Source: Sista Girl Productions/Australian Centre for the Moving Image/VicHealth

This Powerpoint presentation describes the roles of language and culture in the social and emotional wellbeing of people in the East Kimberley. From a 2019 Empowered Communities workshop. Source: Binarri Binyja Yarrawoo

A series of conversations about promoting social and emotional wellbeing and preventing suicides in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, recorded by Luke Pearson from Indigenous X and featuring: Dr Jackie Huggins AM, Co-chair of the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples, Birri-Gubba Juru and Bidjara woman from Queensland Aunty Lorraine Peeters, Managing Director and Facilitator of Winangali-Marumali from the Gamilaroi and Wailwun Nations Richard Weston, former CEO of the Healing Foundation, descendant from Meriam People of Torres Strait Source: Everymind

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