Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

The Battle

Sam describes overcoming mental illness as a battle that requires determination to avoid negative thought cycles. He talks about the value of exercise, diet, discipline, communication and relaxation in achieving “the greatest victory that any of us can achieve in our lifetime”.
Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

More Suggested Resources

The Break It Down video project, with youth in North Queensland, includes original music and stories of cultural connection from five communities. All the videos are also available through the Hitnet kiosk and wifi service for remote communities which may not have regular internet access. Break It Down is a project of North Queensland Primary Health Network, with Desert Pea Media. Music video from the Bwgcolman Mob of young people from Palm Island.

This short animation describes the continuing impact of intergenerational trauma Source: Healing Foundation

This short film describes simple ways for Aboriginal Health Workers to look after themselves, including strategies to sustain and enjoy working in Aboriginal health so they can continue to support their communities. Source: VACCHO/beyondblue

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