We Were Just Little Boys
We Were Just Little Boys describes the stories of survivors of the Kinchella Boys Home, where an estimated 400 to 600 Aboriginal children were exposed to routine acts of cultural genocide.
Source: Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation YouTube Channel
More Suggested Resources
This animated short video accompanies the Little Red Threat Book, and provides advice for when someone threatens to end their life to get something they want. Source: Central Australia Life Promotion Network
Eliza Packham has learned to speak openly about the trauma in her life, saying no to shame and sharing her experience to grow stronger and encourage others to do the same. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN
This animated short video provides advice about supporting someone in distress, including how to check in with them after a crisis has passed and when to consider referring them to formal services and supports. Source: Central Australia Life Promotion Network