Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Yarn-safe – Strong and Healthy Relationships

This fact sheet describes what good relationships look like, and how to seek support when things don’t go well.

Source: Headspace

More Suggested Resources

Desert Pea Media – Music Videos Desert Pea Media works with Indigenous young people in regional and remote areas, using storytelling and audio-visual media to promote social and cultural dialogue, responding to issues including intergenerational trauma, suicide, unemployment and incarceration. Song from Kamilaroi people in western NSW about the mental health challenges of living in two worlds, and an invitation to come together with respect and inclusion.

Illustrated poster to help people find the right words to express different feelings, and be better equipped to ask for help. Source: NPY Women’s Council

This video was driven by key figures in the communities of Galiwin’ku and Milingimbi, telling the story in Djambarrpuynu of how music, dancing and singing can improve mental health for Yolgnu people by sustaining identity and resilience. Source: EG Productions commissioned by the former NT Medicare Local

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