Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Victimised/Assimalised/Correctionalised – Howard Edwards

Fractured: Broken Ties, Reclaimed Lives
These short videos describe the effect of removal from families on the Stolen Generations, and introduces the Link-Up service to reunite families.
The Fractured project engaged Indigenous young people and their communities in producing images to reflect the strengths and participation of community members in everyday life. The stories are intended to challenge discrimination and racism and their effect on the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Victimised/Assimalised/Correctionalised – Howard Edwards: Howard’s memories of being removed from his family, activism for Aboriginal people in Melbourne in the 1970s and 80s, and his work in community radion.

More Suggested Resources

Two-part podcast with concepts and practical skills to support mainstream professionals working with First Nations children, young people and their families and communities, featuring: Professor Judy Atkinson Dr Carlie Atkinson Source: Emerging Minds

Podcast radio interviews with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have experienced depression, anxiety and other wellbeing challenges. Source: Brisbane Indigenous Media Association

The Break It Down video project, with youth in North Queensland, includes original music and stories of cultural connection from five communities. All the videos are also available through the Hitnet kiosk and wifi service for remote communities which may not have regular internet access. Break It Down is a project of North Queensland Primary Health Network, with Desert Pea Media. Short film featuring young men talking about pride in hunting and other traditional activities.

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