Yarning about Mental Health – Tiwi
Yarning about Mental Health
These videos from Menzies School of Health Research, contains strength-based messages around mental health and wellbeing. It also highlights the importance of culture, family and community in maintaining good mental health and provides tools that can be used to promote wellbeing. The video was developed with First Nations Australians in the Northern Territory.
- Suggested for: Communities, Families, Friends & Elders, Individuals
- Categories: ∘ Promoting Resilience & Preventing Suicide ∘, ∘ Staying Safe & Well ∘, Video
More Suggested Resources
Two-part podcast with concepts and practical skills to support mainstream professionals working with First Nations children, young people and their families and communities, featuring: Professor Judy Atkinson Dr Carlie Atkinson Source: Emerging Minds
About tradition and cultural identity. Source: KidsMatter
This video was driven by key figures in the communities of Galiwin’ku and Milingimbi, telling the story in Djambarrpuynu of how music, dancing and singing can improve mental health for Yolgnu people by sustaining identity and resilience. Source: EG Productions commissioned by the former NT Medicare Local