Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

13YARN Psychotic Illness in Mob Fact Sheet

This fact sheet aims to provide a basic understanding of psychotic illnesses, recognising what it looks and feels like, and offering coping strategies within our different cultural contexts.

Source: 13YARN

More Suggested Resources

In this video, Nicky Newley describes her experiences with art and its role in her recovery through difficult times. The video is part of a suicide prevention campaign for LGBTIQ+ community members in Brisbane. Source: Yarns Heal - funded by Brisbane North PHN

This short animated video in Pitjantatjara language describes feelings of distress and how to offer and seek support. Source: Mental Health Association of Central Australia

Desert Pea Media – Music Videos Desert Pea Media works with Indigenous young people in regional and remote areas, using storytelling and audio-visual media to promote social and cultural dialogue, responding to issues including intergenerational trauma, suicide, unemployment and incarceration. The story of the four young people from Bourke High School in western NSW, who travelled to Darwin to accept the NIMA Community Clip Award for their song and music video Thundercloud, created to inspire and support mobs to be resilient and supported. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

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