Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

13YARN Understanding Substance Misuse Fact Sheet

Let’s yarn about something that can hurt us, our mob and community. Let’s talk about the misuse of alcohol and other drugs. It can be a hard thing to talk about and the journey can be long and challenging, but remember with the right support, together we can heal.

Source: 13YARN

More Suggested Resources

A collection of resources for people and agencies working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people, to help advise them about safe and appropriate online interactions. These co-designed videos and posters address topics including: Bullying Sexting Respect Source: eSafety Commissioner

This strengths based mental health and wellbeing tool aims to improve culturally safe care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by offering a holistic, person-centred approach to having a yarn about wellbeing. It is aimed at strengthening connections, goal setting and self-management of mental wellbeing. The interactive tool allows users to select different options or to write down: the people that keep them strong the strengths in their life the worries that can take their strength away the goals that can make change. Abstract adapted from Menzies School of Health Research Source: Menzies School of Health Research

As a fair-skinned Aboriginal woman, Aunty Gloria was caught between two worlds. She has spent her life learning how to honour both through indyamarra (respect), and she talks about expressing the histories and experiences that make people unique. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

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