Stay Strong Care Plan
This strengths based mental health and wellbeing tool aims to improve culturally safe care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by offering a holistic, person-centred approach to having a yarn about wellbeing. It is aimed at strengthening connections, goal setting and self-management of mental wellbeing.
The interactive tool allows users to select different options or to write down:
the people that keep them strong
the strengths in their life
the worries that can take their strength away
the goals that can make change.
Abstract adapted from Menzies School of Health Research
Source: Menzies School of Health Research
More Suggested Resources
This video was driven by key figures in the communities of Galiwin’ku and Milingimbi, telling the story in Djambarrpuynu of how music, dancing and singing can improve mental health for Yolgnu people by sustaining identity and resilience. Source: EG Productions commissioned by the former NT Medicare Local
This fact sheet shows how alcohol and different drugs can affect wellbeing, and how to seek help. Source: Headspace
Undertaken through the National Suicide Prevention Trial, the project recruited residents from each of six trial site Shires – Brewarrina, Bourke, Cobar, Lachlan, Walgett and Weddin – supporting them to complete a Certificate lV in Community Services.