Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Working with First Nations families and children – A framework for understanding

1.5 hour e-learning course designed to assist non-Aboriginal practitioners to develop the skills and understanding to build genuine partnerships with First Nations children, families and communities.

Source: Emerging Minds

More Suggested Resources

In this video, Nicky Newley describes her experiences with art and its role in her recovery through difficult times. The video is part of a suicide prevention campaign for LGBTIQ+ community members in Brisbane. Source: Yarns Heal - funded by Brisbane North PHN

This short animated video in Pitjantatjara language describes feelings of distress and how to offer and seek support. Source: Mental Health Association of Central Australia

As a fair-skinned Aboriginal woman, Aunty Gloria was caught between two worlds. She has spent her life learning how to honour both through indyamarra (respect), and she talks about expressing the histories and experiences that make people unique. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

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