A free-to-use online mapping tool that works to help people and communities in Western Australia to access health services, including social and emotional wellbeing services, as close as possible to family, home and Country.
Source: Aboriginal Health Council of Western Australia
More Suggested Resources
Krurungal Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation, is a small community-controlled organisation focused on emergency relief, education, cultural safety training and connecting people to services to meet their needs, in the Gold Coast community. Krurungal is highly respected and deeply connected in the local Gold Coast community, and because of this and the diversity of its programs it is often contacted by people and families whose issues do not fall neatly within a single program category
This planning tool is based on the principles described in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project (ATSISPEP). It shows how communities can plan and lead suicide prevention projects, using essential criteria for success. Note: This 2017 resource is under review Source: Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention
This factsheet highlights some key considerations when providing culturally secure and effective alcohol and other drug treatment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Source: Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre