Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

That Extra Support

Krista, a mum and active community member, talks about how parents can advocate and seek help for a child who is struggling.

Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

More Suggested Resources

This fact sheet looks at the stresses young people experience – including school, work and family stresses – and gives advice about seeking help. Source: Headspace

This fact sheet aims to increase understanding of loneliness, its signs, and to suggest coping strategies using the strengths from within our culture and community that can protect us against loneliness. Source: 13YARN

We Were Just Little Boys describes the stories of survivors of the Kinchella Boys Home, where an estimated 400 to 600 Aboriginal children were exposed to routine acts of cultural genocide. Source: Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation YouTube Channel

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