Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Speak Up

Eliza Packham has learned to speak openly about the trauma in her life, saying no to shame and sharing her experience to grow stronger and encourage others to do the same.

Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

More Suggested Resources

This app is designed to be used by service providers and clients in a client session. It is available in iOS and Android versions and facilitates discussion about: Friends and family who help keep clients strong and healthy Personal strengths relating to spiritual and cultural, physical, family, social and work, and mental and emotional aspects of clients’ lives - represented visually as leaves on a tree Aspects of clients’ lives that take away their strength in the same four areas Setting client-driven goals for change to work on Plans for achieving their goals and steps towards goals It includes screening based on K5 and K10 scales and help-seeking prompts for people who score high levels of psychological distress. A youth version of the AIMhi app, AIMhi-y, is under development but not yet available for download. It is funded by Northern Territory PHN as part of the National Suicide Prevention Trial. Source: Menzies School of Health Research

Will Hill talks about his experience of reaching out to Elders, finding strength in culture, and recovering from depression and thoughts of suicide. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

This short animation describes the continuing impact of intergenerational trauma Source: Healing Foundation

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