Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Feeling Sad or Worried – Pitjantatjara

This short animated video in Pitjantatjara language describes feelings of distress and how to offer and seek support.

Source: Mental Health Association of Central Australia

More Suggested Resources

Video discussion of how to support the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people involved in the criminal justice system, based on the Journey Home program from Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAHMS) in South Australia, featuring: - Jamie Sorby – Kamileroi woman, Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing worker - Sharmaine Williams – Bidjara Gunggari woman, Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing worker - Curtis Falla – Kaurna Narungga man, Aboriginal Social and Emotional Wellbeing worker - Marshall Watson – Noongar man, Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatrist Source: Orygen Youth Health

The Break It Down video project, with youth in North Queensland, includes original music and stories of cultural connection from five communities. All the videos are also available through the Hitnet kiosk and wifi service for remote communities which may not have regular internet access. Break It Down is a project of North Queensland Primary Health Network, with Desert Pea Media. Short film about how community members can mentor young people through sport.

Short film about an Aboriginal boy who is dealing with depression as a result of his cousin’s suicide, and how he finds help. Source: Mental Health First Aid Australia

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