Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Yarn-safe Alcohol and Drugs

This fact sheet shows how alcohol and different drugs can affect wellbeing, and how to seek help.

Source: Headspace

More Suggested Resources

Desert Pea Media – Music Videos Desert Pea Media works with Indigenous young people in regional and remote areas, using storytelling and audio-visual media to promote social and cultural dialogue, responding to issues including intergenerational trauma, suicide, unemployment and incarceration. Hip hop anthem celebrating the resilience and strength of the Wiradjuri People from the Central West of NSW, addressing issues including The Stolen Generations, racism, family violence, grief and trauma. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

A series of videos from Yarns Heal campaign ambassadors: Tiahni, youth ambassador, talks about family, community and empowerment Source: Yarns Heal - funded by Brisbane North PHN

This clinical protocol aims to reduce deliberate self-harm and suicidal behaviour by ensuring that people at risk are able to access consistent levels of support across the Kimberley, including: Appropriate screening and assessment Effective follow-up and safety planning. The protocol recognises the role in suicide and self-harm of historical and current trauma, grief and loss, racism, child abuse and neglect, cultural breakdown, family and domestic violence, homelessness, poverty and sexual assault. It provides additional guidance on drug or alcohol dependence, acknowledging the complexities of supporting Indigenous people who experience these issues after an episode of self-harm. Source: Kimberley Aboriginal Health Planning Forum

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