Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

Nerida’s Yarn – Too Many Funerals

Sisters Nerida and Roxanne Lorde talk about their strong bond in the face of the deaths of many family members, and how they find peace amid their grief.

Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

More Suggested Resources

We Were Just Little Boys describes the stories of survivors of the Kinchella Boys Home, where an estimated 400 to 600 Aboriginal children were exposed to routine acts of cultural genocide. Source: Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation YouTube Channel

Sam describes overcoming mental illness as a battle that requires determination to avoid negative thought cycles. He talks about the value of exercise, diet, discipline, communication and relaxation in achieving “the greatest victory that any of us can achieve in our lifetime”. Source: Desert Pea Media/WNSWPHN

This is a collection of conversation guides, posters and video stories under the headline: “Ask Your Mob, In Your Way, R U OK?” Sign up with an email address and phone number to get immediate access to all the downloads, which support people to have conversations with family members, friends and others who may be struggling. Source: RUOK

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